How to get the most out of your PickFu poll.
9 articles
How many people should I choose for my poll audience?When building your first poll, it may seem like you should choose a large sample size, but we suggest starting with 50.
Writing unbiased questionsHow to write unbiased questions for better poll results
Polling best practicesHow to craft strong questions and choose the right audience
Types of contentWhat can I test? Text, images, videos and links
How to resize your image canvasThis is a step by step guide to change an image's canvas size using Pixlr so that your images have similar aspect ratios.
How to test sets of images using collagesUse a collage to test sets of images against each other or get feedback on a stack of images
How to test videosVideo & audio file requirements and step-by-step guide
How to test imagesImage requirements and step-by-step guide
How to Optimize Your Amazon Main ImageLearn how to run the right tests, analyze and optimize your Amazon main images with PickFu and boost your click-through rates (CTR).